Thursday, April 26, 2007

Is it May yet?

Today looks like stuff too far away for me. The upper impulse will affect mostly Oklahoma today with some isolated stuff along the front into W TX/Permian Basin. Nothing to get too excited about. If I lived in those areas, it would be worth keeping an eye on. Some pretty incredible storm structure can occur with such setups. SPC 1300z outlook has that general area in a slight risk. These NW flow systems need better boundary flow than what we'll see today. NW flow events are usually better in later May and June especially. Although not known as tornado producing systems, they often provide quite a sepctacle of storm structure and gorilla hail.

The upper air pattern is promising to be quite an active one next week with several impulses kicking out across the plains with some stronger systems the latter half of the week. Moisture/instability will not be an issue to contend with. There should be many chase opportunities for the next 10 days.

In the meantime, here is some serious SDS therapy for your computer..complete with audio effects and lightning!

Sea Storm Screensaver

I'm not a fan of "free toys" on the internet because of the spyware and other crap that comes with it. This site claims to be completely free of that stuff, but I still don't trust it totally. However, I might have to risk it and buy the full version. Storm porn indeed. LOL!!

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Blogger Dewdrop said...

I'm thinking you derive some level of pleasure from the 2X4 treatment (raised eyebrow), given your level of involvement... well, if I had your weather...

Fri Apr 27, 10:58:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

I'm just a masochist I guess. ;-) I will be trying to to get my stormchasing mojo back next week. That and I figure that even a broken clock is right twice per day, so at least dumb luck will eventually pay off. LOL!

Fri Apr 27, 04:32:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

A masochist... should have figured. ;-)

Sat Apr 28, 10:48:00 PM CDT  

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