Hello Nebraska Press!
I hope you realize some of my musings are tongue-in-cheek...as in humor, spoof, tomfoolery, prose and part greek tragedy. LOL!!
I hope you realize some of my musings are tongue-in-cheek...as in humor, spoof, tomfoolery, prose and part greek tragedy. LOL!!
The spotter training yesterday that I set up... funnel cloud picture had your name on it. Was that you or the other guy??? Very cool.
Wow! That's pretty cool. But myself and my twin from Tulsa have submitted material to spotter training classes, so it could be either of us. A pic of it or a good description would help. Either way, it's cool to know that a picture like that makes it's rounds. Before long, I might get famous enough to have my pics pirated and claimed as Hurricane "X" pictures coming ashore. LOL!
LOL... well, it was a white funnel, sort of cork-screwing it's way down coming out of deeply blue colored cloud... over relatively flat land. I can't remember if there were any trees or not. I was a very cool pic. It was sort of dusklike. Well, the pic made it to South Georgia. Cool.
that funnel sounds familiar........
which is a really crazy thing to say, but it does
So, I either described it really well, or there are lots of pics like that roaming around cyber-space... ;-)
It was a great pic, regardless! Someday, I might actually have something worth contributing to the NWS.
Perhaps one on my stevemillergalleries.com site?
It wasn't any of those. It was a definite funnel... not a tornado; it was almost like Z5C prior to touchdown... I'd have to look at the presentation again though to be sure... he flashed through those quickly.
What an awesome collection you have.
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