Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Upper Lows' Return & Darwin Award Entry

Finally! The upper air pattern is resembling some semblence of normalcy after a prolonged state of pschizophrenic disorder. The current upper low traversing the Rockies right now will eject out further north into the central plains. Once again, the upper system ends up being more progressive and kicking out further north than early model progs indicated. However, it is part of a very large trough over the western CONUS into NW Mexico. Enough energy should pass through OK and TX to give us a real good soaking...but still no drought buster.

However, all the models are in excellent agreement for yet another strong upper low and associated trough to visit us next weekend. So, the "rainy" pattern appears to get itself established for a little while at least. This next system appears to have a little colder air to work with, so a little wintery weather might be in store for us if the core of the upper low treks across the area. It is still quite a ways off though to get too silly about details. The main thing though is more rain is on the way. I'm hoping and praying that this upper air pattern will establish itself for the next couple of months. We'll see.

Now we move on to my submission to the Darwin Awards. Somebody officially beat me to it though, darn it. The story is about two adventurous teenagers who apparently slept through all of their chemistry and science classes in addition to not being able to afford a flashlight. Blame it on the failure of public education, shallow end of the gene pool, MTV, rock music, Republicans, George Bush...whatever. I'm just glad they didn't grow up to be stormchasers. ;-)

Read the story for yourself. If that doesn't work or the Dallas Morning News decides to change the link or remove the story, you can find it here.

I guess they found out what was in those tanks, huh? The true tragedy of course is that instead of this serving as a warning to everybody that you shouldn't use a match to look into a gas can or other container of flammable liquids or vapors (especially a real BIG container), the oil company will be sued for not having a warning label clearly displayed on the tank and 24 hour guards posted around it...."WARNING. DO NOT USE A MATCH, CIGARETTE LIGHTER, BUTANE TORCH, CANDLE, OR OTHER OPEN FLAME OR HEAT SOURCE TO LOOK INTO THIS OIL TANK. SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH MAY RESULT FROM FIRES AND EXPLOSIONS. YOU MORON." ROFL!!




Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of my favorite things is seeing that natural selection is present every day.

Tue Dec 19, 10:06:00 PM CST  

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