Thursday, December 21, 2006

Super Blizzard

For the second time in this early winter season, a vicious and powerful winter storm has slammed the central part of the country. The eastern half of Colorado into western Kansas is a winter nightmare of historic porportions.

Hardest hit is the Denver metro area where two feet of snow blanketed the area. The airport there is now a literal refugee camp as thousands of people are stranded indefinitely. The timing could not be any worse with the busiest travel time of the year in full swing. It is quite possible that people will still be stranded there through Christmas and beyond. With all flights already booked to capacity through Christmas, many people will not be able to get another seat on a flight for several days or even a week. The National Guard and The Red Cross are bringing in core necessities such as food, water, diapers, formula, medicine, etc. I'm sure Bush will get some of the blame. ;-)

The other big story are the thousands of people trapped all along the interstates. Everything is shut down and nothing is moving. The National Guard and other agencies are loading up people and taking them to shelters en masse. Like the airport, supplies are being trucked in and possibly even airlifted.

The concern I have for those folks are medical emergencies. Hopefully, helicoptors have already been dispatched and some sort of communications system is up and running to handle such emergencies.

The question I have, from the perspective of one of the stranded motorists, is how in the heck do you get back to your vehicle stranded a hundred miles or more from where you are at in the middle of the interstate in the middle of nowhere? With that in mind, how do you start traffic flowing again on those interstates with them literally being a parking lot with the owners' (who have the keys) whereabouts unkown?

Wow. What a headache. What a nightmare.

I for one will be alot more cheerful in my long and grueling commute home today.

Story links:

Denver Post 1

Denver Post 2

Yahoo News

Yahoo Slide Show

One of the more amusing aspects of this weather disaster will be the reactions from the global warming eco-alarmists. After a season with one of the most calm hurricane seasons on record, their hysterical shrieking is going beyond the lunatic fringe. ;-)


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