Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Long Overdue Update

Finally getting around to a blog update! I've been busy preparing to depart on my chasecation this weekend. Work projects need to get wrapped up as well as personal logistics regarding house sitting and last minute chase vehicle preparation. One of the things I've been busy with is getting my 2006 chase accounts and video clips all updated after revamping the format. Check out at texastailchaser.com and click on "CHASES" on the top menu bar. In reviewing my video and SPC storm reports, I've confirmed the tornado SW of Eastland, TX on May 5. I stated earlier that I had caught on video the tornado near Tonganoxie, KS on April 15. Closer scrutiny of the video and the timestamp related to the reports doesn't make sense. One single lightning flash just right revealed that it was a clever scud tag. Since a tornado count is so critical in having your opinions or viewpoints validated nowadays, this is very very important. LOL!!

As far as my chasecation, I'm really getting excited about escaping the DFW metromess for awhile and immersing myself into the wide open skies of the plains in search of the most violent and spectacular supercells mother nature can stir up. I'm also looking forward to the splendid landscape scenary, the road trips, and the very spirit of being a modern day explorer and adventurer.

It seems every chasecation I encounter something unique, unusual or extremely interesting. In 2003, it was exploring the ghost town of Old Mobeetie in the eastern Texas Panhandle. This was one of the best "down day" excursions I've ever had. If you are a history buff, you owe it to yourself in stopping by and finding the old original jail, the first one in the Texas Panhandle, that is now a museum absolutely chock full of historical artifacts and stories. If you are lucky, the local curator and descendent of the original townfolk, Dale Corcoran, will meet you in person. His stories and tales are fascinating and intriguing. He has authored a written history about the town centered around it's well-maintained cemetary.

A few days later, we stumble upon a small, old abandoned "house" in the middle of a plowed Kansas field. We find some old artifacts all around it related to some sort of automotive repair place. A local rancher pulls up and during the course of conversastion, he tells us that it used to be a service station many years ago. I found a small glass vial which I kept as a momento. It still sits on my bookshelf in the living room.

In 2005, I traveled through South Dakota and the Badlands National Park as well as a quick tour through the infamous Wall Drug. I loved South Dakota for it's emerald green grasslands which make for an awesome foreground to a black/bluish/purplish/greenish supercell. That was an awesome sight last year! Down in Kansas, I made an amusing discovery of the world's largest ball of twine in Cawker City, Kansas.

It's these types of discoveries and encounters that fulfill the overall experience of a chasecation. Throw in a few tornadoes and incredible supercells and a breathtaking sunset or two, and for me personally, I can't imagine a better vacation. Seriously. Getting away from the infinite parking lots on DFW freeways is worth the trip alone. ;-)

On to other news and controversy, the chaser gang wars last week reached an all-time climax. I thought the United Nations would have have to intervene and negotiate a nuclear arms reduction treaty. LOL!!! Congrats to Steve Miller OK for busting an all-time record blog comment count of 136. My blog hits count skyrocketed too for some reason. ;-) This should certainly help with my google adsense revenue. Thanks, Steve and Donald! One observation I have is that we need some stormchaser trading cards! We can list stats such as miles of chasing, tornado counts, years chasing, all-star voting results (ranking), rookie season, best season, etc. That will come in handy for the next blog assault. Oh my....now I've done it. I've been a bad little stormchaser (as usual) and tipped over some sour milk. I think the internet ferrets have just reported me to the StormTroopers! Here they come!! Run for your lives!!! :-0


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