Thursday, May 28, 2009

June Cometh

After alot of careful scrutiny of the models, my confidence in an active June is increasing. The meteorological crystal balls are becoming more persistent in advertising a significant and quite favorable change in the upper air pattern. Some level of throughiness becomes established along the west coast out through 14 days...starting as early as this upcoming Sunday and especially be next week.

The question of course is how deep and broad it will develop correlating with just how far east/south it's effects will be. The GFS of course keeps flopping around with such details, but seems to be trending towards putting the TX PH and W TX in the middle of the action. IF it's current solution were to verify beyond 10 days, then the Caprock is going to be in for one helluva ride in June as is the rest of tornado alley a good ways west of I-35....draw a box from W half of OK to E NM and northward into the central plains.

What this really reminds me of are "classic" and historical Junes of years long past. Repeated days of drylines, stalled fronts, triple points, numerous outflow boundaries, strong to even outrageous instabilities. The result being big, behemoth supercells rampaging across "the alley".

So, I am making plans to tie up loose ends regarding equipment, vehicle and other responsibilities to clear the slate for June. Living here in Amarillo might just be about to pay off. :-) I will certainly be eager to turn the page of every calender both here and at work. I may have to perform a special version of "The Forbidden Sacred Dance Of Chaser Merriment". :-)

Stay tuned as we count down the last few days of May.


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