Monday, March 23, 2009

Rocking Oklahoma

Yesterday was a bust thanks to a quickly evolving thick cirrus shield. Had we gotten some better insolation, I believe at least one storm would have popped. But, it didn't, so David Drummond and I ended up eating at the Big Texan steakhouse for one heckuva great dinner. We repeated a visit there this morning with a very hearty breakfast. We are ready to tangle with some nasty storms today in Oklahoma. I'm on the road, so this will be short.

Our plans are to head east on I-40 watching things evolve. I'm content to hang back for somthing developing back towards Weatherford, OK along I-40 or a tad south of there rather than joining the mass hoardes in N Central OK into S KS. Model forecasts indicate that the more southern target will light up in time and right at dark and into midnight, another piece of energy rotates through NM into the TX Panhandle further enhancing the overnight severe potential in OK from I-40 south. There, inidications are more backing boundary layer flow with slight veering from 700mb on up. With more cooling and increasing boundary layer moisture in that time frame, models indicate further destablization. I'm believe that the really big show may in fact be after dark into the wee hours of the morning.

So, keep on eye on my live chase page today! Link is to your right.


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