Monday, April 14, 2008

Hosting Provider Migration

UPDATE: I seem to be having trouble getting the email server domain transferred. I hope to have that resolved this evening. If I don't respond to an email you've sent since yesterday (Sunday) by week's end, please resend. :-) I also noticed some of my blog pictures aren't loaded. I'll get that fixed too. Thanks for your patience!

For anybody that noticed some quirky things going on with my website the past 24 hours, I've been migrating to a mucho better hosting service. I've got my own private JBoss now so that I can really get into some deep server-side java stuff. This should free me up to do some neat things in the future. Visitors should also enjoy a little better performance as well as stability. Changes will be slow during chase season, but should see more this summer.

Taking a close look at the models, it appears Wednesday might be a structure day, but no tornadoes as the dewpoint spreads will be around 30F or more. I won't be going far to see them, but hopefully the dryline will park along the I-27 corridor so I can drive outside of town and gawk. After Wednesday, it appears we will have to wait until Saturday at the earliest and more likely Sunday-Tuesday. Next week could be a very active one. Stay tuned!!


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