Wednesday, April 09, 2008

No Go For Me

Sitting here in Amarillo with a ton of work in my face and 40F outside just doesn't get me very excited. It's been nice though to get some good rains, heavy thunder, and some scattered pea hail (golfballs east towards Groom though). Considering that my target is Big Spring, Texas, I would have to leave now to make it in time. If by some miracle the warm front pops up to Lubbock or the dryline with some instability gets to Clovis, I might jet out the door. But, this is wishcast disillusioned by SDS I fear. :-) April isn't even half way over yet, so there is no dispair yet.

That area from Midland to Snyder to Sonora looks prime today based on latest analysis and RUC model. David Drummond will be down there today, and I'm sure we'll be seeing streaming video of a tornado from him later this afternoon.

North Texas, including DFW needs to be on their toes later tonight, but I think by that time, it will be a big squall event with an embedded tornado or two in the line along the warm front axis. I don't see a big tornado event in N TX. Tomorrow however, the Mississippi valley is going to be under the gun. Those poor folks are going to catch hell.

I'm eyeing another round of elevated severe storms with more of a hail threat for the Amarillo area tonight ad the best energy comes in along with a warm, moist low level jet above the colder surface layer.

After today's round, the next chase opportunity is 9-10 days out at the earliest according to the medium range models. This will give me some time to work on my live chase page and some other stuff. Heck, a camping/fishing trip maybe in the cards for me this weekend. I'm itching to get down to Alan Henry to stalk some monster bass as the spawn should be starting bringing up some big hawgs into the shallows and creeks.

Good luck to all those going out today.


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