Friday, September 21, 2007

SDS Inflammation

WARNING: The SDS Surgeon General has determined that viewing may be hazardous to those afflicted with SDS. Proceed with caution!

Check out the video from a tornado that rampaged through Cape Coral, Florida. Be sure you are seated with seatbelts firmly secured as viewing may cause dizziness and loss of balance. Keep your hands inside the car at all times. :-)

And a few "Pics Of The Week". This is from May 1, 2006 around Breckenridge, Texas. It was a bit of a surprise as storms earlier were about fizzled out. But, a slug of rich moisture came charging in like the cavalry to save a bust chase and turn it into quite a spectacle. There was an extended long version of the "Forbidden Sacred Dance Of Chaser Merriment".

The mothership coming in for a landing. Where is Will Smith in his fighter jet? ;-)

An ominous wall cloud developed rapidly under the updraft. I kept expecting a spinup, but never saw anything. I lucked out too with the sun being at the perfect angle.

Anybody think this looks like some blades in a big blender? Mmmmm....Margaritas.

You can see two hook echoes on radar with my position as the white circle. Dig that groovy, curved outflow boundary arching back into the notch. The western one is in the pics. I could see the eastern one too with a tiered wedding cake appearance....but compared to big sister to the west, it wasn't too great.

One of my personal favorites. Imagine having a windshield full of this view all of the time. :-)

The following two pics are pure luck and the best of about 30 I took. I did not have a tripod with me, so I was balancing it on my car hood.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought this was suppose to be SDS therapy. All this did was make me want some freakin chasable storms in the near future or I will need therapy. I seriously doubt I can wait until next march!!!

Great shots anyway.

Sat Sep 22, 08:21:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

I'm with Jay... this is just torture.

Sun Sep 23, 09:13:00 AM CDT  
Blogger DM said...

Nice shots man, freaking amazing structure.

Sun Sep 23, 08:43:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

okay...okay..I'll change the blog title. :-)

Mon Sep 24, 03:59:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

Love those shots Steve. That was perfect timing with the sun going down. I have found out if you try to force a shot, you spend all your time driving trying to capture it. If you give it time, like you did here, it will fall in your lap. As for SDS treatment. I was exposed to high amounts of Dew Dust a week ago and the symptoms are not clearing up. I still suffer from the need for crab rangoons, the need to check the NHC website every 5 minutes and this sudden need to see Jim Cantore's face on the Weather Channel..Somebody help me!!!!!

Mon Sep 24, 08:30:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

Oh man, Rick, you've got it bad, dude. ;-)

Steve, good idea making that change. It should have been warned before... now I am in SDS shock.

Wed Sep 26, 11:52:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Dew, take 4 mudslides and call in the morning. :-)

Rick, what was so amazing is that this event was totally unexpected. I rushed out there after work in time to see the earlier strong (non-severe) storms start to dissipate. I was very close to turning around and heading home but kept noticing weak but persistant updraft regeneration on the western flank. Then, within a span of about 15 minutes....BAMM! The base overhead started getting striations and then I saw the bigger beast to the west. So, you're pretty much fell in my lap. :-) Oh...about the Dew's not too serious until you start craving mudslides and pool boys. LOL!

Sat Sep 29, 09:09:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

So, Rick, how serious is your problem...? Interviewing pool boys yet?

Sat Sep 29, 10:15:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

Ok Dew, here is where I submit my offical "Bite Me" press release. No Mudslides a for pool boys?
*&^% No!! But you can apply for the pool girl position.....

Sat Sep 29, 10:38:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

We're not starting this one again.

Sun Sep 30, 08:31:00 AM CDT  

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