Thursday, September 13, 2007

Watch As I Pull A Hurricane Out Of My Hat.

Hurricane Humberto should have been named Hurricane Houdini. He was a cluster of thunderstorms one day and PRESTO!! ALLAKAZAM! A serious hurricane the next! In 18 hours, he went from a tropical depression with 35mph winds to a category 1 hurricane topping out at 85mph sustained winds. Never before has a tropical system intensified so rapidly according to senior hurricane specialist James Franklin of the National Hurricane Center. Yowsa!! Step right up folks to the tropical system sideshow! And we thought Felix pulled a fast one on us.

I was able to watch the incredible progress of Humberto on radar and satellite. It seemed as if everything was being fast forwarded. No sooner would the NHC issue an advisory or forecast discussion than the storm would ratchet up another notch....almost with each radar scan or satellite image. It was simply stunning. Texas and Lousiana is quite fortunate he didn't spend another 24 hours over water. He could have easily achieved category 2 or possibly 3 status and literally caught everybody with their pants down. It could have been a fantasy Hollywood plot come to life.

Hmmmm....we might want to take that preposterously absurd movie "Night Of The Twisters" more seriously. LOL!!! I hear that Al Gore is trying to track down the remnants of Humberto to perform a personal interview for his next global warming propaganda movie with regards to the the storm's extraordinary intensification. I understand that Gore is going to look him straight in the "eye" too. But, Humberto maybe suffering too much from "tropical depression" since he is now just a "remnant" of his former self. ROFL! I crack myself up sometimes. ;-)

That's it for me for a few days. David Drummond, Jay McCoy and myself will be descending on Lake Alan Henry starting tomorrow evening for a weekend filled with camping, fishing (and hopefully some catching!), campfires, roasting marshmellows and hot dogs, sunburn, bug bites and bikini observation activities. :-)

(PS - Don't tell anybody, but I'm going to put a fake rattlesnake in their tents to wake up to in the morning!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's ok....I am going to stick that screaming frog in your sleeping bag!

Fri Sep 14, 10:07:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats fine becuase with my snoring, neither of you will get any sleep. Might as well fish all night :)

Fri Sep 14, 10:45:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

Steve, you are a riot. Love the pic. Love the blog. I got a much needed laugh out of that one.

I can't wait to see the rocks y'all come up with this time... yes, yes, David, I know about how it swings... ;-) Y'all have fun!

Fri Sep 14, 12:38:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

Oooooooo, such a sick puppy.

Sat Sep 15, 09:26:00 PM CDT  

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