Friday, August 24, 2007

Some Tailchasing?

The models, and in particular the NAM, are suggesting a couple of days in a row for some decent chasing here in the Panhandle region.

The upper level winds pick up abit as a trough swings through the central plains with the PH on the very southern fringe. At the same time, a frontal boundary sags down into the area providing the surface focus and additional lift.

We should have enough moisture and instability for some fun. Throw in some possible outflow boundaries, and I feel the urge to start performing the Forbidden Sacred Dance Of Chaser Merriment. :-)

The parameters actually look a bit better on Saturday as mid and upper level winds are parallel to a stationary frontal boundary draped WNW to ESE across the area. Advertised SREH values are reaching 300. BOOYAH!

This is ideal for any storm that can root on that boundary and traverse it as a more isolated cell. It does have the makings for a pretty intense MCS and possible derecho event too...particularly as the convection increases through the late afternoon and evening. But, nonetheless, I've got my eyes on Saturday. I'd love to go see a real nice, purty, fancy supercell. I got a SDS-induced hankerin' fer some supercells that just won't stop. ;-)

I'll continue to watch this possible scenario unfold and hope for a warm-up event on Friday. I'll dust off the chase gear and get ready to do the supercell stomp....tornado tango....funnel foxtrot....beavertail meso mash...hailstone hussle....downdraft disco....wallcloud waltz....shelfcloud shuffle......... ;-)


Blogger Wayfarer said...

Looking at the picture i would say that he is thinking. "I chase, therfore i am"...

Fri Aug 24, 09:04:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

No worries, Steve, one day soon, you will know all the "moves" of the Happy Dew Dance. In fact, I am almost ashamed to say, the whole world will have the opportunity to learn that dance... what was I thinking??? Perhaps something similar to the above statue... hmmm... I think, therefore, I am a storm chaser.

I had some minor SDS Therapy via CG... aww yeah... ;-)

Fri Aug 24, 12:19:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know Steve....I have this reoccuring dream wher I can see a tornado out of my hospital room in the middle of labor. If I can just get the kid out the doctor will let me go chasing so maybe it will be a good day for both of us!! Looks like Wed will be the big day. I will be induced because this turkey just keeps getting bigger....7lb 7oz at last sonogram. Yikes!! Have fun and good luck!

Fri Aug 24, 12:30:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like you got out Steve, I see you on the network tooling around up there. I was going to go out and look at some of this stuff down here, but I am just too tired from all the tree trimming I did this morning. MAN was it ever HUMID!

Fri Aug 24, 06:02:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

I kinda thought it was "I'm obsessed with tornadoes, therefore I am nuts". ;-)

Kanani, the big day for you should be coming up soon! Jay promised to keep me me updated and let me know when the little one emerges into the world. I will come bearing gifts like a cute, stuffed inverted cow on a string courtesy of the SDS Treatment Centers' gift shop. :-)

David, get those trees all trimmed and the place fixed up so we can have an SDS session there soon!

Tue Aug 28, 07:55:00 AM CDT  

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