Monday, September 10, 2007

Eric Michael Nguyen 1978-2007

A shadow crossed the hearts of stormchasers and severe weather enthusiests around the world yesterday as the news of Eric Nguyen's passing was made public. For anybody out there that didn't know Eric, please read the Stormtrack thread honoring his memory. Take some time to peruse his website and outstanding photography.

Myself, the news at first was shocking and one of total disbelief. I used to be friends with him for several years and got to know him pretty well. His passion for life and in particular meteorology was contagious and inspiring. When I first met him back in 1999, he was a kid driving around his small white sedan with weather instrumentation on top. It didn't take long for his passion and enthusiasm for all things related to severe storms to radiate with great intensity. But, what impressed me most was his humble and kind spirit. He had no ego...just the love and fascination of the weather.

I remember all of the fun times back then with Eric. From being parked on the side of the road gawking and drooling at general silly weather enjoying a great post-chaser dinner recounting the day's the SDS the side-splitting 2-meter chat on that made those long trips back home down I-35 or Hwy 287 more tolerable. His sense of humor was enormous.

I had the opportunity to watch him rapidly blossom from a kid with a small instrument cluster on top of his car to not only one of the best (if not the best) chasers and photographers out there, but a talented meteorologist with a bright future ahead of him. I remember reading some of his white papers and in particular the one about the Mulvane event. It was crystal clear to me that one day, we would refer to him as the esteemed Dr. Eric Nguyen. It seems a great injustice to know that will not happen now.

There wasn't even a suggestion of a hint that his life would come to such an abrupt, tragic and senseless end as it has. Hearing that he had tried to end his own life filled me with shock and disbelief. It really defied everything I thought I knew about Eric. Not only would that have been the last thing I would have guessed if asked how he would depart this plane of existance, it would have never even been considered. I certainly have a deeper despise for such a sinister disease as depression is. I'm also feeling abit angry because he apparently was under medical supervision. this could have been prevented and eventually contained or even cured. But, this is not the time or place for that rant. I'm sure there will be for his friends and family down the road.

I'll close now in offering my prayers and thoughts to his devestated friends and family as they grieve their loss. I truly hope that they will someday soon be able to reflect back fondly on his life and how he lived it and replace the deep sorrow, grief and broken hearts they are enduring at this moment.

At least now Eric will always be in the target zone. I hope that everyday for him from now on will be a PDS red box filled with raging, majestic tornadic supercells and hail to the size of grapefruits. Chase on, Eric.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trully a sad day and big loss to the chasing community. I met Eric a numer fo times in passing out on the plains and he was always a genuine and friendly soul and had good chase instincts. Too bad there arent more like him out there. Not for fame, glory or money but pure love of weather.

Mon Sep 10, 11:26:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

Beautifully put, Steve.

Mon Sep 10, 01:06:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is shocking to say the least. I am still numb. We lost a great chaser and a brother. Wherever he may be, I hope they got large hail!! R.I.P. brother, You are da namda!!

Tue Sep 11, 05:15:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Steve and others

like you and most people words cannot express the greif and sorrow that we're all feeling over this terrible loss. I knew Eric and chased with him on a few occations and I still ask myself Why ???? but with this question I hear my mother tell me Remember the good times. I didn't know Eric as well as others but the pain radiates in me as much as it does many others trust me and Eric gave me many things that I will cherrish forever and one of them is to continue to be a Better chaser and Forecaster and better at the Meteorology as a whole. Eric has left many lasting impressions. But now he is chasing on a higher plain and he will always be with us Forever. When the wind blows wild, when the Lightning and thunder roar across the sky just think of Eric man oh man did he love to see Nature put on a show !!! and some of us were there to see it with him.

Tue Sep 18, 05:43:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for all the wonderful words.

Tue Oct 02, 06:04:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...


Please accept my deepest sympathies and condolences. I can only hope that you find some comfort and peace in your loss as you read and hear about all of the people Eric touched.

Fri Oct 19, 10:23:00 PM CDT  

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