Monday, August 13, 2007


It looks like the hurricane season is now cranking into full gear. TD4 was just born about an hour ago. This one bears watching folks as the extended models take this system into the GOM as a major hurricane in the 7-10 day period. The GFS is starting to insist on the Texas coast as a target. Of course, that is a long ways out and the system's track will depend largely on the evolution of the upper ridge over the southern half of the US. Still, enough consistency in the long range models demand some vigilence. That and the fact the Texas coast is overdue for a big 'cane.

Of course, with all of the global warming hysteria running rampant and is "in vogue" among liberals and the mainstream media, look for a knee-jerk reaction of similar proportions. With 2006 being a dud, they have an enormous amount of suppressed urges to sensationalize and hype a major hurricane. Be very afraid. I think it's about time to renew my Blockbuster membership. ;-)

Stay tuned!!!


Blogger David Drummond said...

Texas coast means I have to watch this carefully. Most likely I will round up a chase partner or two and head down for a day or 3 if it looks to come in as a cat3 or better.

Mon Aug 13, 06:37:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller said...

David - let me know if you head that way. I'll be interested in getting in on that action.

Steve - bone up on your energy futures trading. The next few days of storm upgrades could make you a lot of money!

Mon Aug 13, 11:35:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am still having Rita flashbacks David!!! All those damn strobes and alarms going of in pitch darkness after being awake for 36 hrs...Talk about a freak

I wish I could but wont be able to make this one. I am spending all my $$ paying to have my new chase vehicle transported down from Baltimore :). Will fill ya in later on that.

Steve.. Let me know if you go. I can feed your cat if needed too :)
When we get together for our video watching I will bring some of the video from Rita showing what I described above along with David and I playing on the roof in 120mph winds!! Man that was wild

Tue Aug 14, 12:14:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

I think that would be a helluva road trip if we along with SMOK made an excursion to intercept Dean!

Latest model guidence continues to move Dean more westward and latest NHC guidance is pointing Dean towards the GOM. With the models holding the ridge strong over the southern US for the next 10 days, a Texas target still looks like the best probability.

And Jay, that story of your and David's experience with the stobes and alarms during Rita is absolutely hilarious!

I doubt I'll be able to take several days off to go chase Dean if he makes landfall in Texas. :-( Thanks for the offer to feed the cat though.

Wed Aug 15, 11:07:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMAO, I'll go.....oh yeah wait. How would I explain to my family? They already think I'm nuts. Have fun Dave!!

Wed Aug 15, 01:22:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Hey, gal, how soon can we expect the new stormchaser?

Wed Aug 15, 04:18:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully in the next week or so. I should have a more definate answer tomorrow. He's already giving me problems....guess all that healthy chase food helped him pack on the pounds..he already weighs over 6 lbs and I still have technically 3 weeks left. LOL. But he is measuring 2 weeks ahead so he should be here soon. Only good thing for me is I still havent gained any weight. :o) I'm one of those lucky ones that will be back to pre-chase season size after birth!! :o)

Wed Aug 15, 05:25:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I am watching this closely. I really DO NOT want to make the trip alone though. The good part is, mostly likely the TV station will reimburse the fuel costs if it's a cat3 or better.

Wed Aug 15, 05:45:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of fuel costs, everyone better fill their vehicles up about 2 to 3 days before this comes in to ground. I expect gas prices will soar based on fear of damage to production facilities, and even more so if there is actual damage.

Wed Aug 15, 05:46:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Kanani, I know you are more than ready to bring the new chaser into the world. Jay promises to let me know when the big event happens so we can come by the hospital to properly welcome the little tornado chaser into the world. We'll also bring plenty of chocolate to dash any hopes of getting back to pre-chase season size. LOL

David, Even though it is starting to look likley that Dean will miss all of the refinery and offshore drilling facilities, I'm sure the oil companies will take advantage of it and spike the gas prices. How much remains to be seen. If he does curve more and hit the TX coast, then say hello to $4/gallon prices.

Thu Aug 16, 09:47:00 AM CDT  

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