Thursday, May 10, 2007

Vici, Oklahoma Tornado - 05/05

Here are a couple of video frames of the night tornado just north of Vici that David Drummond and I "experienced". I use that word as we were close enough to hear the tornado. You can even hear it on my video. :-) I'm not going to have time to post video grabs of the 5/4 tornado until early next week. I'll be leaving to see the folks this weekend. On the forecasting front (pun intended), it still isn't real clear what next week will hold for chasing opportunities. I'm starting to get abit pessimistic. More on that tomorrow before I depart.

Anyway, here are the only two pics I got of the tornado as it moves N and NNE away from us:



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn Now I am really mad we broke off this storm and left you guys like 10 minutes before all this happened.. maybe thats why you scored..:)

Reading Greg Stumph's explanation on ST as to why the storm looked like it was weakening (why we broke off) makes perfect sense. That area is somewhat black with radar coverage due to range and terrain so that area the storms always appear to weaken even though they may actually be getting stronger. Lesson learned.

Fri May 11, 12:23:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

We certainly appreciate ya'll taking one for the team. :-)

I agree with Greg's explanation. I figured something was up because it would change alot with each scan. However, the tilt2 seemed to be pretty consistent. I was watching noth tilt1 and tilt2 images closely.

One thing is certain, this ain't no little tornado compared to what the radar showed at tilt1. Just another argument for not relying too heavily on radar data to keep you safe. ;-)

Fri May 11, 09:45:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As wierd as it sounds I am really glad we broke off this storm when we did. I was so freaked out beinng in the dark on some road we douldn't find till we asked a local. After Kansas, I just didn't want to take the chance of chasing in the dark.

But congrats Steve and David. I think I am starting to lose my storm balls. I would have pissed my pants!! LOL. :o)

Fri May 11, 10:08:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to admit, as it was getting louder, I was rapidly trying to decide if it was louder because it was getting closer, or because it was getting bigger. I was about 2 seconds from bolting for the van and making a rapid retreat to the south when I saw the two vehicles that were CLOSER than we were start running back toward us and I could see the rain curtains in the RFD wrapping between us and them, illuminated in their headlights. It was at that moment I knew 100% we were ok. We were still within a mile or less, which was really a dangerously close intercept at night, but I am proud of our catch. It was definitely much teamwork and a huge exercise in night spotting activities.

Gonna have to let me use those grabs on my chase account Steve, your's came out much better than mine with your VX2100...pffft!

Mon May 14, 02:21:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

LOL Kanani! I still haven't seen ya'lls Clovis video. :-) In fact, I think we should start tentatively planning the first Caprock SDS Therapy Post-Season Session for August?

Mon May 14, 02:36:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

David, I thought we were ok when you first saw it to our WNW. Still no guarantee though after it started getting louder. :-0

Let me work on those video grabs. Go ahead and use them if you want though. I've got another trick to try and get better quality. I'll work on that the next couple of evenings as I'm also working on video clips of the May 4th gorgeous, sexy tornado.

Mon May 14, 02:39:00 PM CDT  

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