Sunday, March 04, 2007

Inconvenient Facts to Inconvenient Truths

Finally, a serious scientific documentary concerning the oppressed side of the global warming cause debate. I'm sure the Hollywood liberals with the Goredito camp whipsering in their ears will mobilize to stiffle this movie from ever being shown. I expect no comment from them other than name-calling and belittling. True scientific debate has no place in liberal circles :-) I get a kick out of them scrambling to respond to those pointing out Gore's hypocrisy and typical "do as I say, not as I do" liberal tendencies when it was revealed he is spending tens of thousands of dollars each month on energy bills to keep his luxurious mansion warm and cozy. ROFLOL!!
CLICK HERE for the story.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A very thought-provoking rebuttal to Gore:

Tue Mar 13, 08:23:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

That IS a great site! I have it bookmarked. :-) It seems that the liberals are cracking under a mountain of contrarian evidence. The New York Times (the official DNC newsletter, propoganda machine, and Al Queda source of US Intelligence secrets) even questioned him and casted some serious doubt. I don't have the link, but it was the first real piece of objective and unbiased "journalism" I've seen from that newspaper in a very long time. Oh, and Al Gore is now going to go before a Congressional panel and answer some serious questions....finally!!! Of course, being Democrats, they'll take it easy on him and allow him to weasel out of really answering the tough questions.

Mon Mar 19, 10:31:00 AM CDT  

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