Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Chase Pre-Season & The Goredito Files

After somebody left open the north pole's freezer door for the past couple of months, I'm quite happy to be enjoying some warm weather of late. The upper air pattern shift is fully underway. With that, a pretty good opportunity for a severe weather event is looming on the horizon for Friday/Saturday from the southern plains into the Mississippi valley area. Although alot of "chase wood" is running rampant among chasers everywhere, this is going to be a fast moving system with fast moving storms. Been there, done that. Plus, this is a large, dynamic system that has "raging squall line" written all over it. But, having chase wood myself, I will most likely be out there amidst mother nature's chaos much like a moth to a porch light. I can't help it. LOL!

From my experience, this type of system and setup will most likely result in most all of the warm sector being socked in with clouds from very strong and abundant WAA. The exception would be closer to the upper and surface lows where I think a good dryslot may emerge over the warm sector. Too early to get silly with details of course with such a day 1 analysis, but just my preliminary thoughts. Plus, as I mentioned, the mid and upper winds will scoot storms off at a rapid clip...likely 50+mph. This is another reason to play things further north near the surface low. And, more importantly, it looks like it could be a classic setup for a "John Davies Cold Core Event"....even though this is not a climatologically favored time of year for that.

Right now, the models seem to have a good handle on the strength and track of the upper system. However, as with most big systems like this, the models almost always try to kick everything out too fast. It will be interesting to watch the model trends as we approach Friday. One important note is that the GOM basin for our moisture source seems to be in really good shape. So, moisture return should be rapid and pretty good for late February. The models seem to be in good agreement with this as well.

If the models are in fact abit too fast with this system and it slows down, then I might find myself right in the middle of initiation in the TX PH where the best upper dynamics will focus along a dryline and near the surface low. My wishcasting has me picking up the surface low here near home and riding it into SW/S KS on Saturday. We'll see. At least it will be nice to start watching the models regularly again. LOL!

Oh, and from the files of "those nutty liberals" or as I like to say "Goreditos", I see Al Gore is being considered for an honorary Doctorate degree for his "work in climatology. WTF? ROFL!! Wait, it gets even better. The whacked out looney liberals that are pushing for this are quoted as saying: "He's in the news and is a legitimate expert on a pressing issue of global concern, climate change, so this level of interest is understandable..." and "University spokesperson Daniel Wolter said since Gore is an expert in the subject, several colleges at the University have expressed interest in inviting Gore to speak on campus." Wow. I wonder if I can get an honorable doctorate in meteorology? :-)

I wonder if Mr. Gore will ever have the opportunity for an open debate on this subject matter to discuss and support all of his "evidence"? The problem is, he has never once defended his "evidence" and his claims/statements in an open scientific forum where such stuff is scrutinized. The only thing I've seen him and his worshippers retort is that if you don't agree with him, then you are a no better than Holocaust deniers. Nanny nanny boo boo. LOL! So much for true science, eh?

Again, I'm not disputing that we are experiencing a warming trend in our overall climate. I am disputing what Gore and other global alarmists are attributing as the cause being entirely manmade. We have seen such cycles over the past million years according to legtimate research over the decades. My personal favorite is that at one time, the Vikings were farming in parts of Greenland. If such alarmists were to open their eyes and minds beyond the last 100 years, they might see their own lunacy....as if mother nature hasn't already done that in the past 9 months. :-)

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