Friday, March 23, 2007

Cranial Extraction Process

I am currently undergoing a process to extract my cranium from the posterior opening of my alimentary canal.

Today is just one of those days that you reflect upon the choices and decisons you made with complete and total disbelief. I went after the big, isolated tornadic supercell that erupted near Tucemcari. It was rocking and rolling as it got to the TX border where I was heading west out of Amarillo. A red box was issued just to it's NE and I was pumped. That was as exciting as it got. It became elevated and went linear...looking very much like typical North Central Texas storms. Yawn.

Meanwhile, back in my original target area around Morton/Clovis, there was a grand tornadofest just SW of there. A gorgeous looking supercell (on radar) was going nuts down there. Gratz to my friends Jay McCoy and Kanani Foster for bagging some naders. In fact, as I write this, they are still tornadic at this hour just N and NE of Clovis. Sigh.

Now, why in the heck did I ignore the painfully obvious target down there with every parameter in the world saying "go here - see tornado"? The only conclusion I have is that SDS kicked in big time and I was lured to the Tucemcari cell like a moth to a flame. The radar and satellite presentation was mesmerizing. It was pure impulse...nothing really mental about it all. Similar to an attractive member of the opposite sex seriously flirting with you. Paint me yellow and call me a sucker. ;-)

Oh well, at least I got to see some pretty impressive gustnadoes that could have easily been reported as a couple of tornadoes. It was one of the largest gustnado circulations I've seen. That's akin to being told "I just wanna be friends, okay"? lol!!

Tomorrow, I shall attempt to redeem myself.


Blogger Glenn said...'re not in North Texas any more!

Sat Mar 24, 08:56:00 AM CDT  

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