Sunday, March 11, 2007

Chase Report - March 10 - TX Panhandle

Did I ever mention just how much I love living here on the Caprock?

I just *almost* moved into those apartments and would have except they don't allow critters. I moved into one almost as good though, but I won't publicly divulge my address because of the psychos out there. Anyway....

I took a short drive south to Happy/Wayside to intercept some impressive looking storms on radar. They didn't look too good visually until sunset. They were pretty stout considering dewpoints in the lower to mid 40's. It just goes to show that strong dynamics and a little Panhandle magic can do wonders. Some of the storms produced hail to ping pong size and all were really good lightning producers as you'll see. On radar, they were rotating pretty good too with distinct hook signatures on occassion. I have no doubt that tornadoes would have dropped with better boundary layer moisture.

I stayed out of the hail (because I didn't have a rental to trash...ha!) for the most part, but did tease the hail shafts. With the higher based storms, they were quite distinct visually. I got on a real bruiser of a storm near Happy and tracked it eastward until I had to stop just east of Wayside lest I fall into the Palo Duro Canyon. It had a nice hook on it too with good rotation aloft, but visually, nothing to get too excited about. However, another storm approached from the west. This would be the one I would get some great photos of and enjoy a great early season dislay of Ma Natures power. I also got a warning from her to get back into the car when my ham antenna starting crackling and buzzing. I could actually make out a faint bluish glow on the tip. Time to call it quits. :-0

CLICK HERE for full slideshow of all of the pics I captured.

I'd love to be chasing down around Midland today wherever the cold core low ends up with surface convergence. That's a bit far for me on a worknight, so I'll armchair chase today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw those beasts on radar, wondered if you would get out on them. Nice pics.

I finally got my camcorder cable working w/ my MacBook - imported all of the June 12, 2005 tornado footage, including you doing some sort of strange crazy-person dance......I think it was the "multiple vortex" version. LOL I also captured some stills. Man, the iMovie software was SO much easier to work with than StudioDV was on my old PC. Advancing or rewinding a frame at a time is almost effortless. I'll try to put some of the pics up today at lunch!

Mon Mar 12, 09:00:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have pics!

Check out the backlit edge of a wedge!

Tue Mar 13, 08:20:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

A nice little surprise considering dewpoints in the mid 40's.

I am a strange, crazy person, so any dance I would perform would naturally be that of a strange, crazy person. :-) However, it really is just another version of the "Forbidden Sacred Dance Of Chaser Merriment". ;-)

Oh...can I just have you do my chase videos in the future?

Mon Mar 19, 10:22:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Very nice pics of the June 12, 2005 event! I hope you and Dixie can make it out a few times to my "home terf" this season. The Tailchaser Motel will be open. We'll leave the Weather Channel on for ya.

Mon Mar 19, 10:25:00 AM CDT  

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