Thursday, February 15, 2007

A Bit Chilly

The thermometer at my apartment showed 5F this morning which corresponds to surronding stations. Hereford was 2F. After getting a fresh layer of 2-3 inches of snow yesterday, I can honestly say it feels like winter. ;-) The official tally for Amarillo so far this season is about 24 inches. This is 9 inches above normal. The chilly weather zapped my battery this morning. Fortunately, my neighbor gave me a jump. I picked up a new battery which is sitting in my vehicle while I wait for the air temperature to near 20F ;-)

I love it. I can actually use some of my winter gear for once. Since I don't have to battle rush hour, commuting to and from work ain't no big deal. Driving on snow is different from ice. However, there are still idiots even here that don't understand the law of physics concerning reduced friction between rubber and ice/snow related to inertia. In an 18 hour period when the snow cranked up, there were about 120 wrecks in the Amarillo area. Of course, DFW would have had that in a 5 mile radius within 2 hours. ;-) For the most part, people here drive sensibly. They also don't shut everything down and raid the grocery stores wiping the shelves clean. I've been able to find a steady supply of Strawberry Poptarts and Hot Chocolate. ;-)

The hysterical manmade global warming alarmists who hyperventilate with each and every weather event deviating from "normal" climatology are looking more ridiculous and silly with time. As if the complete lackluster hurricane season wasn't enough to cause some serious introspection amongst them, mother nature keeps contradicting their irrational fear mongering with ever increasing frequency.

Although the winter season was a little late arriving here in North America, it as with a vengence and setting various records from low temperatures to snowfall in places. It just further proves my point that liberals reject reality replacing it with their version. I have yet to hear one rebuttal from the alarmists concerning the global warming era when the Vikings were raising crops in Greenland. Weren't these same liberals and the media shrieking about global cooling and an impending doomsday ice age just a couple of decades ago? Yep.

Anyway, political ranting aside, I continue settling in quite nicely. I still can't believe I'm actually living here. As I get into a new routine, I'm starting to feel more at home as familiarity with everything grows. My Texas drawl doesn't sound foreign anymore with various conversations I have. It may have actually increased a tad. It's great to say "ya'll" and "howdy" without getting a negative reaction from people or a "what did you say?". LOL!!

My eyes continually look ahead on the calendar in anticipation of the warm season and the majestic supercells it heralds. I've got my computer stuff setup now with my last step of setting up the media center for all my chase-related electronic gadgets. That along with a few more boxes should be completed by this weekend.

Looking at the computer models, it certainly appears that the upper air configuration will be shifting significantly starting next week. It looks like we'll see a warmer period with a continued active storm track across the southern plains. In fact, we certainly could be looking at some severe weather possibilities. The last half of February looks pretty interesting in the crystal ball. Stay tuned.


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