Friday, December 08, 2006

Global Warming Hysteria

Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.) deserves a medal. Heck, he should run for president. The only problem with that is he is Republican and aggressively and regularly exposes blatent liberal media hysteria and bias.

Anyway, my political rhetoric aside, the Senator from Oklahoma has produced a brilliant document that is worth taking some time to carefully read through. It exposes the one-sided media hysteria and eco-alarmists that keep screaming that we will all soon parish because of SUVs, George Bush and Republicans causing the earth's atmosphere to warm up to the point where you won't need a microwave to pop your popcorn and killing us all in a few short years.

The lackluster, calm 2006 hurricane season certainly didn't make them pause or consider their "theories" might need to be revised. Instead, more predictions are coming out today (already in December of 2006!) that oh yeah, 2007 really will be a bad year for hurricanes. They don't hear the crescendo of laughter and smirks from alot of the American people. I mean, stop it already. It's really becoming pretty embarrasing. However, the mainstream media and eco-buffoons like Al Gore will pick it up and run with it.

All I know is that I'm about ready to start my own official climate diaster prediction center. "The Tailchaser Global Catastrophe Prognostication Center & Coffehouse" (a subsidiary of my Supercell Deprivation Syndrome Treatment Centers, Inc). I could probably get all sorts of grants from the left-wing eco-lunacy groups like the Heinz Foundation as well as get the mainstream media to pay top dollar for alot of fancy graphical displays of end-of-the-world scenarios supported of course by 175,200 hour runs of the GFS model (after skewing the algorithms of course to reflect expected continual increases of the earth's atmosphere by 1-2C each year). Mamma didn't raise no fool. I could get rich and retire off of this stuff.

Anyway, back to the Senator from Oklahoma. Here is his lengthy and detailed report:


A brief summary of the report:

1) The "Medieval Warm Period" ignored or censored by eco-alarmists. It was alot warmer back then than now and for a longer period of time. In fact, Vikings were growing crops in Greenland back then.

2) The "Little Ice Age" from 1500-1850 is always ignored by eco-alarmists.

3) The mainstream media has been flipping back and forth more than John Kerry between a coming ice age and global warming ever since the 1930's and even a New York Times alarmist mantra about the coming ice age...back in 1895!. You'll be amazed to read excerpts from decades past that sound eerily similar to what you hear today....even before Al Gore was born! LOL! He certainly can't claim he invented any of this stuff before he was born....or can he? ;-)

4) Computer models are relied upon and cited as scientific evidence by the mainstream media/eco-alarmists. We can't even get operational forecast models halfway accurate beyond 5 days much less 20, 50 or 200 years into the future. ROFL!

5) Uncovering more of the truth about the Kyoto Treaty including 60 scientists now concluding if we knew back then what we know now, it would not be needed.

6) Eco-alarmists unable to account for the CO2 explosion in 1940 and why we warmed after 1850 when everybody was still riding horses (i know I know....bovine and equestrian methane gasses are to blame LOL)

7) All of the debunked myths perpetuated by Al Gore and accepted as holy gospel by the eco-doomsayers.

8) The polar bears are doing just fine thank you....from scientists that have studied them for years.

9) Greenland's ice volume is actually increasing again according to scientific studies published in the past couple of years.

Plus much much more!!! It's good stuff, Manard. Yeah, I said I'd refrain from political rants on my blog. So, sue me. :-)


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