Thursday, March 02, 2006

2006 Inaugural Chase - Update #3

The models' trend ain't looking too good right now with pitiful moisture return according to the latest 12Z runs. I was informed that the NAM has a bias of overforecasting moisture return in advance. It looks like it to me this go around. I'm not that desperate to drive to Amarillo for upper 40's dewpoints. Heck, we haven't even reached the Ides Of March yet (et tu, Brute) which is my personal official start to the season. This will give me some time to get the gear together in the vehicle, my new laptop all configured and loaded, and a windshield replaced thanks to a gravel truck. Heck, looks like a great weekend to do some other tailchasing for monster largemouth bass at Ray Roberts or Lake Fork. I hear that the spawn has really kicked into high gear. :-)

It's too bad that this first system of the year is petering out. I know alot of folks including myself were looking forward to some SDS relief. I guess my personal fan club members out there won't have anything else better to do now except to keep feeding their obsession about my personal affairs, private business, and digging up dirt. Nanny nanny boo boo...I'm're glue. ROFL!


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