Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Great Chase Monday

Just now getting around to processing all of my pictures from Monday 6/15 and Saturday 6/13. We speaketh not about Sunday's fail. ;-)

The 6/15 chase resulted in some spectacular structure, one nice funnel half way to the ground from one storm and a thin whispy funnel from another one. No pics/video as I was busy trying to get positioned and setup in case an actual tornado formed from the strongly rotating wall clouds. As is my season for 2009, no such luck getting a tornado out of the deal (these aren't Kansas or Colorado storms after all...lol). But, the consolation prize of gorgeous storm structure certainly made up for it.

6/13 was a great chase as I did everything right including being right under the eventual tornado-warned storm north of McAdoo before it even showed up on radar. Nice storm structure with a big honking wall cloud was the result and about three small, needle "shear" funnels. Merging storm clusters killed it though.

However, I made a run towards the newere storms around Plainview and Silverton. The Plainview storm had one of the thickest, sharpest rock solid anvils I've ever seen. As I got some backlighting on it, I could make out a vertically duel bell-shaped updraft base in the distance. It was quite the spectacle..but hazy. I had to get closer for a decent shot. Naturally, the storm structure lost it's best appearance from earlier as I got closer. Still, some great structure and an ominous wall cloud dragging the top of Plainview. Those folks were lucky I was there to weaken the storm. :-)

Overall, I've improved my cell data connection with a new antenna, but discovered my cellular amp is on the fritz. That will need replacing for next season. I also had some serious re-connection problems with my stream. It "looked" like everything was ok, only to discover it had disconnected and would not auto-reconnect. I discovered this on Monday. Argh! I'm not sure what the problem is, but I'll have planty of time to fix it before next season.

Did I say "next season"? Yep. I'm pretty much resigned to the fact that it is just about over with. The models keep wanting to build a ridge over my "playground" and usher in summer just in time for it's official arrival this weekend. However, I'm not ready to close the book on the 2009 season and shelve it (or throw it in the trash where it blongs...lol). Some hints that the upper ridge might not set in as strong as earlier advertised. We shall see.

Pics coming within the next couple of days.


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