Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Excellent news came my way today. I've got the job I've been after since December!!!!! I got the phone call about 30 minutes after making my other blog post about being ill. Needless to say, I'm feeling MUCH better now. :-) This is without a doubt an answered prayer. Thanks to all who have been keeping me in thought and prayer this whole time. It's been a real battle to land this job. Not only is this an outstanding, unique and stable career opportunity, it will of course allow me to stay here at home...the Texas Panhandle. The thought of NOT having to relocate back to the festering armpit of DFW is enough to make me dance in the streets today....if I weren't recovering from illness (as detailed in my post below). :-)

I will start March 2...and not a day too soon. YIPPEE!!!!


Blogger Dewdrop said...

Woohoo!!! Congrats Steve! I know that's a huge load off for you.

Chase on!

Tue Feb 17, 03:20:00 PM CST  
Blogger Dewdrop said...

The word verification was chingbac... made me laugh.

Tue Feb 17, 03:20:00 PM CST  
Blogger Dann Cianca said...


Tue Feb 17, 03:54:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In regards to gasto episodes, if you can't see thru, leave it alone. Stay with bland foods, it will be better on your stomach. Oatmeal has fiber and its job it to keep you regulated, which would aid in the diarrahea, if already had an upset tummy. Also push fluids which will clean out your system.

Tue Feb 17, 04:03:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woohoo I still have a chase buddy!!!!! I was getting worried you were gonna have to move back to cowtown. Now we can go do some fishing and play us some poker. I bet it was a major load off your mind. I know you have been seriously stressed. Now its time for a night of steak and beers.

Tue Feb 17, 05:15:00 PM CST  
Blogger Bob Hall said...

Congrats. I too have a bit of work life stability as I’m named in the transition contract for moving data centers. No chase season for Bob, but considering Vortex 2 this may be the year to miss.

Tue Feb 17, 10:10:00 PM CST  
Blogger Shane Adams said...

Excellent news Steve, I know too well how bad it feels to have to leave the place you love...and how great it feels when you don't.

I'm glad things worked out, cause home is where the heart is bro!!!!

Wed Feb 18, 08:25:00 AM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! Finally some good news!! You'll probably have a fast recovery now!LOL!

Wed Feb 18, 01:10:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats buddy! Glad that you get to stay in the place you love!

Time for the boys to have a night on the town to celebrate.

Thu Feb 19, 07:58:00 AM CST  
Blogger Danny Neal said...

Congrats Steve!

Fri Feb 20, 02:27:00 AM CST  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Thanks everybody for the thoughts! :-) The past few months have indeed been pretty stressful with the economy tanking like it is with no end yet in sight.

I feel humbled and extremely fortunate that my new job will be highly resistent to the economic crisis now and into the future. Pne of my greatest fears would have been to relocate to DFW for an IT job only to get laid off soon after. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared right now for the future of our country's economic foundation. It's unprecedented.

So, I am a very happy little camper and deeply grateful to my friends and family who have supported and encouraged me through the last few months. I ask that thoughts and prayers be turned towards other now who are less fortunate as I. Our country needs a miracle right now (and no...that doesn't include Obama! sorry...couldn't resist...LOL!).

Fri Feb 20, 01:00:00 PM CST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear of the good fortune, Steve. It gives me hope that once I get my IT certifications I will be able to market myself better for a job.

Fri Feb 20, 02:05:00 PM CST  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

Glad to hear some good news finally came your way Steve! Congrats!!!

Tue Feb 24, 09:54:00 AM CST  
Blogger Laura Duchesne said...

I just got to reading your blog today Steve... CONGRATS!!!! That is excellent news. As for this year being like 06.... I say bring it on. Some of my fave chases of all time were from that year. That crazy beast of a hybrid HP was wild! And it was nice getting on a classic tornadic sup in SD... with no convergence! The only thing I would worry about for me is I hope the first two weeks of May are good because that is the time I can only go.

Thu Feb 26, 09:45:00 PM CST  
Blogger Glenn said...

and the chasers of North Texas rejoice! LOL

Jus' kiddin' man, don't forget to give the dryline an extra push when it comes by.

Tue Mar 03, 09:00:00 AM CST  

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