Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Green, Moldy Blog

Just like old bread that goes bad, I apologize for the greenish fuzzy growth on my blog. :-)

Right now, I'm sitting with my mom in the hospital after she underwent knee-replacement surgery. Things are going well though. I'm making sure the medical staff are doing their jobs and mostly acting as an advocate on my mom's behalf and assisting my dad as well. The University Medical Center here in Lubbock has impressed me with their exceptional care and attitude. It's nice to know that there are hospitals that really do "get it" and are managed well. I've seen and heard of too many on the opposite end of the spectrum. The last time I was assisting one of my parents in a hospital, it was quite an ordeal in just getting the staff to do their minimal jobs which required butting heads with a couple of belligerent nurses. They didn't know belligerence was until that met me. LOL! Anyway, things are great here and certainly a standard that ALL hospitals should aspire to.

Speaking of treatment facilities, we had our Texas Panhandle SDS Therapy Session at my apartment complex's clubhouse last Saturday. We had a great time as we always do eating junk food, watching lots of video, and enjoying general weather weeniness. It's impossible for all of us to gather and socialize during the chase season, so this allows us to do so and show off all of the visual goodies captured this past season and of course previous years as well. All SDS patients responded quite well to treatment!

I've got a few pictures to post once I get back home and have some time to do so. I might have an opportunity to intercept Gustav if he comes ashore in LA or TX. So, I'm working on that potential too. Nothing official yet, but stay tuned.

Other than that, just working on other business opportunities and really, to be honest, chilling out at home and playing around....but little time for that.

So, that's it for now until this blog starts growing that moldy green stuff on it again. ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Steve, I hope everything goes well for your Mom. Man, I thought a broken bone and surgery was bad. I couldn't imagine having a knee replacement. I will keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers, and I hope she has a quick and full recovery.

Also, thanks for the great time at the SDS party. I definitely got the treatment I needed!

Wed Aug 27, 11:00:00 PM CDT  

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