Thursday, July 17, 2008

Wind Pollution

The vast, open spaces from the Big Bend to the Panhandle is about to sprout ALOT of wind farms over the next 2-3 years. The T. Boone Pickens farm out around Pampa/White Deer I believe will have 2,700 alone. That's pretty much as far as the eye can see. So much for there not being any trees on the caprock, eh?

The reason for the expected explosion is that the State Of Texas today gave preliminary approval for a massive transmission "corridor" project to carry all of the wind-generated electricity to major cities like DFW, Austin, San Antonio, etc. Read about it in more detail:

I really really hate to see that because the vast, open skies are one of the reasons I love it out here. Within the next few years, I'm afraid it will be a rare photo of a storm without them in the shot. While not a nuisance now, with that many expected in the future, it's going to be common to have one blocking the view. I hope that I'll get used to it.

On the positive side, it will eventually mean lower electricity least that's what they say. In the meantime, we get to help with construction expenses by paying $3-5 extra on the bill each month. I've seen this scam before to sell the idea, and then later moan and cry that it's running over budget. I estimate that the actual payment will be $10-15 per month when all is said and done. But, "they" continue to assure everybody that we'll see lower bills "sometime down the road".

The problem is, I don't see anybody presenting any sort of solid estimates of just how much we'll really save. I say the big city folks foot the bill since the project really benefits them and nobody that lives out here.

I can't count the number of times our government pulls a fast one on us citizens in order to appease some wealthy special interests who line the pockets of those that govern us. Logically, we should see a big chunk of savings...particularly with the price of oil continuing to soar with no relief expected. We'll see.

From a stormchasing perspective, it would make for some cool video to see a strong tornado ripping into a wind farm. I've always said that would make for one of the best images of irony I could think of. :-) But, with the increased economic benefits, we should see some road improvements with the Bob's roads and dirt roads standing to benefit the most. That'll make interecpting storms a bit easier. I've already seen this benefit with the increased oil production efforts.

So, it is kinda depressing to know that the landscape is about to become cluttered or "polluted" with wind turbines. If it truly helps to significantly cut my electric bill and reduce our dependency on foreign oil by a million or so barrels per day, then I could probably stomach it. I'll keep the antacid handy though. ;-)

On a side note, I want to wish my buddy Jason Boggs a speedy recovery from a serious fall out of the bed of his pickup truck. He broke the big bone of his arm in two places at the wrist which isn't easy to do. His hand was fractured too and he suffered what sounds like a mild concussion.

He's doing great when I talked to him last night after they put him back together again....kinda like Humpty Dumpty. LOL!! Of course, the real pain an suffering will ensue later when all of his buddies out here conspire to make fun of his acrobatic feat. What are friends for? I'm still wondering if a part of his story is missing...something like, "hold my beer, watch this...." ;-) Seriously, get well soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My opinion of them is definitely not the PC one. I hate the damn things!

As you mentioned, the best asset our region has is the unlimited horizon to horizon views. Few places on earth aside from the oceans you can get that view. There were places this year I drove over an hour and STILL was not out of those damn wind harvesters.

The beautiful edge of the Caprock which always had a breathtaking view is being lined with these atrocities and completely ruining the view.

And as usual we most likely WILL not benefit from it, but places like Houston, DFW and Austin will.

It's just like that crap a while back where they wanted to take what precious little ground water we have and send it to the rest of the state.

Seems like when greener parts of the state want something, west Texas is always viewed as expendable.

Don't get me started... LOL

Fri Jul 18, 01:25:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the concern steve, i appreciate it.

i'm doing better today. of course, the wrist is still very sore. they gave me hydrocodone for the pain reduction and it works pretty good. it makes me drowsy, but that's ok. i also have to take some antibiotics.

i guess humpty dumpty is a storm chaser now. here is what happened to him on wednesday...

humpty dumpty stood in the bed of his truck; humpty dumpty was about to run out of luck; he stepped back to see if his sticker was straight; his little ass tumbled over the tailgate!!!

anyway, i hate to see these wind farms all over the place too. it's really going to make the scenery out here less attractive.

Fri Jul 18, 02:56:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This must be a living nightmare for Kanani with her fear of these She is going to have to move to some place with calm winds.

What I am waiting for is now that T. Boone has them approved is for Stanley Marsh to start painting and decorating them in outragous ways like his cadillac Ranch and all those street signs.. uuhhggg.

There will be 1 bright spot for you photogs. Should provide a point for concentrated lightning photographs

Sat Jul 19, 08:40:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe how many new wind farms have gone up in the past few years. It used to be that Montezuma was a novelty on the Plains, now it seems I can get those shots in a dozen or more places now.

They are even starting to pop up here in the Appalachians. There is a much more vigilant pro-scenery lobby over here, so far they've kept new construction to a minimum.

I'm all for clean energy but I think there can be too much of a good thing.

Sat Jul 19, 10:56:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are planning on building even larger versions out in the gulf. These beasts are almost 50% larger than the land versions. cant wait for a nice CAT 5 to come along through one of those!! We will have power for a year!!

What happens when a tanker hits one of those?? Will the spinning blade slice into the hull spilling oil?

Ofcourse the enviro nuts will scream because the towers may interupt some fishes swimming pattern or seagulls will be killed by the blades.

Sun Jul 20, 12:02:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

Steve, how bout this. If you have ever seen those Red Bull air races on TV, where those tiny Extra 300 scream around pylons right off the deck? How bout having one of those air races through one of the wind farms? I am sure the spinning blades would add a "Mad Max Thunderdome" feel to it. I havent seen any hewre our area but I am sure we will one day...

Sun Jul 20, 06:39:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing a strong tornado come through one of those farms either. I'd love to shoot video of that... from a distance. lol. I can see one of those blades getting ripped off and sent hurtling through the air at the unlucky photog and his car. There wouldn't be enough left to bury when it was all over.

On another note, Jason, hope you get to feeling better. I broke mine at the wrist last spring. SOB, that hurts!! Spent 6-8 weeks in a cast. They couldn't do surgery because of some other health issues (lung problems), so I got to wear a cast through the summer.

Jim C

Tue Jul 22, 01:43:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shiloh is back in school.. 4.0 average.. YAHOO

Wed Jul 23, 12:03:00 AM CDT  
Blogger Glenn said...

I remember the first time I was motorcycling around the Big Bend area and one of those behemoths popped into view. Totally fucking ruined it! Might as well put a few on top of Mt. Rushmore and Liberty Island, and all around the Hollywood sign. Don't forget Devil's Rock, Old Faithful, etc.

I'll bet Ansel Adams is spinning in his grave...

Sun Aug 10, 07:38:00 AM CDT  

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