Thursday, July 10, 2008

Torches, Pitchforks & Faked Video

The stormchasing community is all up in an uproar again. This time however, it MIGHT be warranted. Here is ONE of MANY various news stories:

Mr. Fabel denies it:

I am refraining from jumping onto the judge/jury/executioner's bandwagon until I see something truly definitive. After all, I've seen some tornado video clips of different tornadoes that look very similar to other ones. It wouldn't be the first time pitchforks and torches were raised in a frenzied mob mentality to go after somebody with nothing more than rumor or perpetuated lies by others....depending of course if the person in question was a popular or well-known veteran. ;-) However, for the record, what I've seen so far (and I haven't seen EVERYTHING), it looks very very suspicious to me that the video appears to be from Rock, KS back on June 12, 2004 of which I also witnessed and videotaped.

For some people, they won't be satisfied until they shoot his dog, burn his house down, sell his kids into slavery, kidnap his wife, hang him from a tree, and set fire to his corpse dragging it through the streets...figuratively of course. ;-) It's curious to see a couple of names pop up leading the charge against Mr. Fabel who have a track record of enthusiastically trying to destroy others in the "stormchasing community" over the past few years.

In closing, I believe that the best way to hunt down Osama Bin Laden is to start a rumor that he is riding a camel with amber lights on it, running stop signs, purposefully riding into big dust devils then appearing on Al Jazeera to tell his story and sell the video, and selling faked video. I'd give the "stormchasing community" about a week or two to track him down for elimination. ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this guy is a dumb ass and did F$ck up but the high and mighty on Storm Track are once again acting like a chaser shot the pope or reinvented crack! He fooled the media and called some chasers jealous, boo hoo get over it! ;)

Fri Jul 11, 02:47:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous ... you obviously dont get it do ya and dont have the balls to use you own name. Not only did he defraud a media company and therefore broke federal law (which I hope they nail his ass for) but he put all chase video into question. He made chasers look bad and he is getting what he deserves. He brought this brickhouse down on himself. How stupid do you have to be to fake a video for 300 lousy bucks and then deny it when caught. He will never be able to sell video again and it will cost thousands in legal fees for his defense..Its called Karma bitch. Enjoy it mr Fabel (fitting name).

Fri Jul 11, 04:46:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It's curious to see a couple of names pop up leading the charge against Mr. Fabel who have a track record of enthusiastically trying to destroy others in the "stormchasing community" over the past few years."

Wow, sounds like you need to get your pitchfork and go after those that "have a record of enthusiastically trying to destroy others".

Can you give any hints as to who they are so I know where to send the hate mail?

Tue Jul 15, 01:54:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...


I'm making an observation here. My pitchfork is still in the shed. ;-)
I'd suggest paying closer attention to the lynchings in the future and compare to those in the past.

Thanks for your comment though.

Tue Jul 15, 02:17:00 PM CDT  

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