Monday, September 11, 2006

9-11-01 We Will Never Forget

I had just arrived at work in downtown Dallas that morning. As I walked into the lobby, the news had just started coming in. A coworker asked if I had heard about the report of a plane flying into a New York skyscraper. I was shocked to say the least, but the only thing in my mind was that a small plane must have hit or clipped accident.

Soon after reaching my desk, it quickly became apparent that this was no accident. We all huddled around the TV and watched in absolute horror as the second plane smashed into the other tower. That very moment changed my life and millions of others in the US and the world. I knew that we were under attack and that we were caught completely off-guard. We were at war. But with who? What was next?

Not too long afterwards, the nightmare became even more horrific when it was apparent that people were leaping to their deaths rather than burn alive. Innocent civilians who had come to work that day just like I did were dying en masse. I can't even describe my emotions at that moment because I was numb with shock. But, anger and rage were quickly welling up inside.

The nightmare continued to unfold and worsen even more as the twin towers then collapsed. I couldn't believe my eyes. This could NOT be happening! For the next hour or so, I was in just complete shock. I can't even remember what I did for that period of time. The next thing I remember is that I am filled with immense rage and anger. I was ready to take up arms and fight. I seriously contemplated the fact that this could be all-out war breaking out. When the Pentagon was hit, the thought of leaving my job and my life as I knew it and enlisting in the armed services seemed very realistic at the time. I mean, after all, we still didn't know who was attacking us and what other attacks were yet to unfold. What other cities were going to get hit? Would we next see a mushroom cloud over Chicago or D.C.?

After a few hours, I decided that being in Downtown Dallas wasn't a good idea. It took quite awhile, but I managed to make it out on the light rail system I had come in on. It was packed as people in droves were getting the heck out of the city. I finally got back to the security of my home in McKinney where I immersed myself in all of the cable news networks and the internet. I'll never forget how my entire sense of reality was plunged violently into the surreal. I'll never forget the day where the birds flew the skies alone.

For the next few months, I was constantly uneasy about being in downtown Dallas. I along with everybody else having to work down there were paranoid. If I saw anybody taking a photo of any building, I would freak out. Many people were stopped and even detained doing this. Police were everywhere and on every corner. I was constantly scanning for anybody acting suspicious. I stopped riding the train for awhile. The stress level was pretty high to say the least.

It is extremely unfortunate that today, a considerable number of people in this country forgot (or never learned to begin with) the horrific tragedy that shook this country to it's core. Many do not understand or want to admit that we are at war. it's a different, new kind of war...but war it is. An organized effort of many thousands of people seek to wipe us off the face of the earth.....literally. It is their "holy mission" to do so. They've said so on numerous occasions in written statements, web sites and video tape. To deny this, as an alarming number of people continue to do, is uncomprehensible to me. This was the worst attack ever on the soil of this country and completely unprovoked (unless you believe some of the liberal whacko nutcases out there). It was our generation's "Pearl Harbor".

We are still at war. The recent plot uncovered by the Brits is clear evidence of that. The enemy is continually trying to thwart our defenses and exploit holes in out security. It's shocking of course that the liberals/dems in this country shriek that it is just fear-mongoring by the Republicans. I do wonder what it will take for them to finally admit that the fear is real. A couple of mushroom clouds over major cities in the US? More planes flying into buildings? What is their "threshold" of reality? Amazingly, 9/11/01 wasn't enough.

Perhaps I underestimate their true, deep hatred for all things George Bush which blinds them to reality and severely undermines the effort to defeat OUR enemies. I dunno. I am though sick and tired of our news media such as the New York Times et al working feverishly to undermine the war effort by exposing our surveillance and tracking techniques of the enemy (starting in the late 90's with reavealing to the world how were were tracking Osama by cell phone). If I was Al Queda, screw intelligence operatives infiltrating the US Government. Just subscribe to the NYT who are very entusiastic in publishing every secret leaked by traiterous members of our government. I can just see some headlines of the NYT if it had been in WW2: "US Building Secret System to Detect Enemy Aircraft At Long Distances Called 'RADAR'"......or....."US Intelligence Agency Captures German Decoding Machine. Hopes To Decipher German Transmissions".

Of course, a heavy liberal slant in the media since 9/11 could certainly be to blame. The Media Research Center has just released their study of the media reporting on the "War On Terror" for the past few years. The results are pretty damning, yet not a surprise to me. Read for yourself: Yep, liberals' deep hatred for all things George Bush blinding them to reality is pretty apparent here. For me, all I want is a more balanced and objective media to strive in presenting BOTH sides of the issues and stories. It's called "journalism".

So, after already getting political here in my blog, something I vowed I wouldn't ever do, I'll stop it there. There are plenty of places on the internet to scream about Iraq and your hatred of all things George Bush. I'll not allow that crap on my blog. You won't change my mind and I know I won't change yours. Period. If you insist, you might want to read: as well as reflect upon the First World Trade Center bombings. Guess who was in office then? So don't spew off about who didn't do anything to prevent 9/11. Everybody is a fault.

I'll close now by offering my thoughts and prayers for the victims and survivors of 9/11/01. I pray for my country and for the world. I will never forget. I hope we all never forget. For our brave military men and women around the world taking the fight to the enemy: "We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm." - George Orwell


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said and thank you for saying it. I agree.

Sat Oct 21, 10:28:00 PM CDT  

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