Tuesday, August 29, 2006

New & Improved Ridge-B-Gone!

There should be lots of celebratory events this week as I and my fellow Texans rejoice in the glorious demise of the vicious and relentless upper level ridge that has had us in it's oppressive grip for several months. We bid a fond farewell as numerous 100F days will become history. Good riddence!!

In fact, this week will see highs at or below 90F for the next couple of days with a slow warm up...but still below the century mark. Then, another even more significant front is poised to move through over the weekend. The models are indicating that the severe summer heat wave may in fact be over with for the year. That is extremely odd saying that with it still being late August. I've seen 100F before into early October. However, the models out through September 8th are keeping the upper air pattern in place and a parade of fronts and drier, cooler air filtering in. That would leave only a narrow window for any more oppressive heat before October arrives. I feel safe in proclaiming that summer is waning pretty fast. I for one welcome the seasonal change....even if it is early.

Now, I wonder what kind of severe season we'll have this fall? We are certainly starting off with an early upper air pattern change. It is relatively active for this time of year. In fact, it looks more like a late September and early October pattern to me. I'll just be glad to actually have some "weather" around here for a change. I hope it brings more rain.


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