Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Blog Is Growing Mold Again

I've been pretty busy to say the least over the past couple of weeks since returning from chasing Ike. After taking a nice break to do some camping and fishing with David Drummond and Jay McCoy recently, I'm focused intently now on aggressively moving forward with a business plan. It's taken me some time to do alot of assessment and reflection as to which path I want to take.

Now that I'm moving forward, a DBA and LLC along with obtaining tax and legal resources is in the works. This will allow me to start off on the right foot to initiate my desired plan of business. Wish me luck. I'll need it with the current state of the economy. My timing for such major decisions always seems to suck...just like selling my house.

I'm also initiating a major overhaul of my website. It's way overdue to say the least. Watch for the new changes at I'll also be working on my photography site (Caprock Photography) which will be a winter project.

As far as the fishing/camping trip at Lake Alan Henry, it was a good one. David whipped all of us in every category including a nice 4-5 pound catfish which according to him, was quite a tasty treat. He caught a couple dozen fish at least...most all of them crappie. Jay was the "red-headed stepchild" with some unbelievable bad luck which of course did not go unnoticed nor unrewarded by his buddies. :-)

I tried fishing for bass, but they just weren't cooperating very much at all where we were at on the lake. I did help with "technical support" by unraveling horrid entanglements, surgically removing hooks from fish (almost had to remove a hook from, and most importantly, slaying all the spiders on the fishing pier. That's right, I had to eradicate the offending arachnids from the guys' fishing spots. I had not seen arachnophobia before first hand. It was the equivalent of Kryptonite to Superman. There is talk of taking cans of hair spray and a lighter on the next trip...used in the same manner as napalm. LOL!! Seriously though, we had a good time and I look forward to another trip.

After the camping trip, my dad and I embarked on an official historical tour of West Texas from Levelland to Whiteface to Morton to Bledsoe to Bronco aboard a tour bus. It really was a fascinating trip and I learned alot. There is ALOT of history in these parts. It is important to note that many of the towns in these parts were established only in the 1920's. One of he most fascinating facts I learned was that the military signal corps based it's various signals from the Indians out here. The American sign language was based off of them too! I won't regurgitate all of the historical details, so check out the links below for a good overview:

Cochran County
Hockley County

The highlights were visiting Bronco, Texas and learning about it's founding by H. "Gravy" Fields. His daughter was there all dressed up to greet us and tell us some stories...along with her brother. We also visited the closed school in Bledsoe which is well maintained by the alumni there. It was built in 1927. We moved down the road a ways and toured the original headquarters of the massive Salughter Ranch where original bunkhouses are still maintained.

Aftwerwards, we went to Morton, my birthplace, and got to see a reenactment of the famous (and only) bank robbery. As we were at the courthouse and county jail, I recalled childhood memories of sitting in the sheriff office with my grandad who was a deputy at that time. I can even recall feeding the prisoners and going on patrol with him. LOL!! We also got to witness an Indian ceremony to pay respects to some ancient Indian bones that were found in a museum there and buried later in full Indian custom. The Morton cemetary also has memorial markers of four Buffalo Soldiers who parished from lack of water tracking Indians. I thought it somewhat ironic to have both on the same cemetary grounds.

To wind things up, we had a big, good ol' fashioned BBQ in Whiteface after touring the museum there. I took particular interest of the old newspaper clippings of the tornado which devestated the community back on April 17, 1970. Ironically, less than a month later, the infamous Lubbock tornado would ravage that city on May 11th.

Okay...some pics!

David shows off his prize catfish at Buffalo Springs Lake...a 5-incher! LOL!! He's just getting warmed up.....

At Lake Alan Henry, he astonishes even me with a 4-5 pound whopper!

This lady fishing next to us catches a real barn-door crappie...16 inches!

Daughter of H. "Gravy" Fields, founder of Bronco, Texas, shows off her attire and snazzy hand-made boots circa 1914.

Her brother sharing a story with the crowd. That's about the best picture of a Texan's swagger I've seen.

The old Bledsoe High School.

Inside one of the halls on the second floor. As you can tell, it is well maintained for being "abandoned".

The cafeteria kitchen and serving line.

Restored bunkhouse at the headquarters of the Slaughter Ranch.

Back in Whiteface.

An authentic chuck wagon campfire. Everybody is enjoying some sourdough biscuits. Yum!

Lots of hungry folks chowing down on some bodacious BBQ!

The local sheriff is keeping an eye on things.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lots of good stuff there Steve! I sure wished I could have gone fishing with you guys but I had my yearly training at work rescheduled for that week. Anyway, I'm sure we'll get a chance to do it again. Also, that was a pretty nice catfish David caught! I bet it was tasty...mmmmmm

Thu Oct 02, 02:02:00 PM CDT  
Blogger S. Miller said...

Man, great post and great links! I've actually spent the last :30 reading the links you provided!
DD caught a helluva catfish there too - both of them!
Let me know if you need anything business-wise!

Now I'm off to figure out why your blog update didn't get added to the "latest blog updates" list on my blog...

Fri Oct 03, 01:20:00 PM CDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey only the 1st day did my fishing suck. I caught 7 fish Thursday evening!!! But ya to be shut out wed night when everybody else was pulling em in right and left was freaky. But always great fun at the lake.

Sat Oct 04, 10:15:00 PM CDT  

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