Saturday, August 08, 2009

CHL Class Completed

I spent the entire day today completing and passing the Texas Concealed Handgun class which permits me to apply for a Concealed Handgun License (CHL). I'll send off the application next week after getting fingerprints done. I got 100% on the written test and 242 (out of 250 possible) on the handgun proficiency (shooting test). I could have scored much higher had one shot not just missed the silhouette part...kinda embarrassed about that one. ;-)

So, after sending it in, I should receive the license in 60-90 days...maybe a little longer if the DPS is still backed up as bad as they were the first half of 2009...thanks to the #1 firearm salesman of the year....Obama. :-)

The instructor was extremely knowledgeable and by far an expert. Heck, he is even directly involved in shaping the CHL laws here in Texas. He is definitely one of the top experts on firearms.

(rant: on)

However, his tact leaves alot to be desired. It really sucked. He's a cross between a drill sergeant and a cranky old grandfather. He's the type that no matter what you or anybody else says or does, it's wrong or inferior and falling well short of his standards or way of doing things. There was alot of preaching with a wooden ruler smacked over your head every time you opened your mouth (figuratively of course). Everybody in the class was intimidated to the point everybody was hesitant to answer or ask a question. I didn't take the $120 class to get beat over the head like some Catholic school child on the letter of the law. I expected to get some good, solid clarity (as in crystal clear) as to my rights, responsibilities, and liabilities as a CHL holder. Call me crazy, but I thought that was the intent of the class?

That in my book is NOT "instruction". Again, his wealth of knowledge and expertise isn't the problem, but he failed miserably in bestowing that upon us...his "students". It's a HUGE responsibility in so many areas both to the individual and the entire CHL community as a whole to be an effective instructor. Knowledge and expertise doesn't mean shit to anybody if you are an ass about it.

I myself will take the lessons learned today and seek additional resources and information to make sure I clearly (as in crystal) understand the different scenarios I may encounter in which I need to draw my handgun and use it. I'm taking that responsibility on myself and not letting this be an excuse for not fully knowing AND understanding the law by applying it to different case scenarios. Don't misunderstand, I did learn enough to understand the more obvious scenarios. But as in life, everything isn't always clear cut. I'm the type that needs that type of discussion to gain a higher level of confidence to REMOVE any doubt or hesitation in defending myself. Any hesitation or doubt could get me or somebody I am protecting killed.

Did you know that it takes LESS than ONE SECOND for somebody to clear 21 feet with a knife and stab you? Yep. So, I feel it necessary to be able to react quickly and decisively at an instinctive level in order to survive. After all, that is what they "instruct" at police and law enforcement training? Again, call me crazy. I will definitely be getting more training myself to get to that level.

Yes, I did perhaps learn some things today that other instructors "might" not have known or covered. But, other instructors "likely"would have been far more effective. Getting active participation from those you are teaching by creating a comfortable and respectful environment seems the way to go...I dunno...I'm just crazy like that. I think it's important enough to do it right AND to the best of your ability.

He kept answering such questions with "well, we covered that today in looking at the law...go back and read". Well, Sparky, I've been around long enough to know that the law can be interpreted in different ways and in various shades of gray. Discussing real life scenarios and how to legally react reinforces the laws, instills confidence, keeps CHL carriers out of legal hot water, and quite possibly somebody getting killed.

Anyway, it wasn't made much better by taking the class in a small "shop" behind a used car dealership with NO friggin' air conditioning in the 100F heat today. It was absolute misery in there even with fans. That is totally uncalled for and absolutely rude and inconsiderate in my opinion. After all, a man of his stature and level of expertise, recognition and authority should insist on at least reasonable classroom conditions in which to run and all-day class about something he claims to be passionate about. Again, call me crazy.

Overall, in hindsight, I wish I would have taken the course with another instructor. I will seek out some others for an advanced defensive class which I've intended to of which this particular instructor and associated gunshop will never see one penny of from me....ever. I'm also wanting to buy some more guns for target and competition purposes of which I will probably fork out even MORE money on for coaching/instruction....not to mention the ammo and other supplies. The folks I dealt with today certainly won't ever see any of it. And I'll make damned sure others will steer away as well. I will not reward bad, rude and unprofessional behavior resulting in piss-poor customer service. I can be an ass too! LOL!!

I'm not naming names of course because I've got enough shit to deal with. However, email me privately and we'll chat. :-) Most fortunately, I believe my case is very isolated as I've not known anything but good reviews and comments about many other instructors. There has to be a bad apple in every bunch I guess.

(rant: off)

The bottom line is that I DID learn enough to pass the test and score well on the shooting portion. I learned some nifty tidbits as well like using a hollow point could be construed as intent to kill (rather than stop) the attacker thus having implications in possible civil action against you (depending of course on the "Castle Law" in Texas). I will submit my application to the State Of Texas next week. Mission accomplished. I guess that is really what it's all about. So, I'm a happy camper...just had to vent abit. :-)

I might head to the range tomorrow to practice some shooting fundamentals and techniques I have learned. With that, I'll also be using my Crimson Trace Lasergrips I just put on my Glock G23. It will be fun messing around with it and getting it sighted in properly. Plus, it will actual help in me refining my shooting fundamentals and technique to refine my accuracy that much better. It's also a nice extra "exclamation point" to any would-be attacker of your intentions. Sure, there is alot of debate on using laser sights, but I think they can be useful.

Alright, enough about guns and CHL. There isn't alot to talk about weather wise. After all, it's summer. There aren't any tropical systems affecting the region either. Pretty much boring right now. However, we are getting through August, so some significant changes will be coming down the road as we get into September. I might get some of my Hurricane Ike video loaded up soon in time reflect on that disaster's one year anniversary in September. I've got some HDR projects in the works too that I've put on the back burner temporarily. So, time to start messing around with that again on some of my best photos.

Ya'll stay cool out there!


Blogger Wayfarer said...

glad to have a fellow "Card Member" in the ranks Steve. Had my permit since 96. the Glock G23 is a sweet one indeed. is that 9mm or 40cal? My baby is a Sig 229 (40 Cal). Good luck on finding ammo for almost any caliber right now. Buy in bulk if possible. I stocked up before the shortages hit this year. Enjoy!!

Mon Aug 10, 10:33:00 AM CDT  
Anonymous JayM said...

Now we just have to go shooting. Between you, me and Jason we should have quite a variety of weapons to shoot. I know not to suprise you anywhere

Now finish getting your video together.

Mon Aug 10, 08:39:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Steve Miller TX said...

Rick, awesome! I've waited too long...mainly to be able to afford a good handgun and all the stuff that comes with that. I end up in alot of desolate places with my chasing hobby and on long road trips and some future vacation trips. You being a road warrior yourself know. So, definitely a big piece of mind now with the CHL. :-)

Ammo is really coming down now just in the past couple of weeks. Picked up 40 cal for $37/100. I'm shopping around for bulk purchase right now, but waiting to see how prices bottom out.

Jay, waiting on you and Jason, man. LOL!! As far as surprising me in the dark, nothing to worry about if you freeze with the little red dot on you. :-) Seriously, I'm not going to draw unless I clearly perceive you as an attacker.

Video coming together!!

Mon Aug 10, 11:01:00 PM CDT  
Blogger Wayfarer said...

After a rather "uncomfortable" encounter late on night shooting lighting on a back road I always carry now..(A car stopped right past me late on night in the middle of nowhere and just sat there with music playing, watching me. nothing happened but you just cant take a chance now.) Most handgun is still scarce here. Gun show coming up and i plan to purchase then. 22cal is almost non existent. Picked up 2500 rnds from a dealer here. they are saying another shortage is coming with the hunting calibers competing with the handgun calibers..Happy plinking!!

Fri Aug 14, 10:16:00 PM CDT  

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