Monday, January 16, 2006

My First Blog

(originally posted December 11, 2005)

It's getting into that time of year when I have too much free time on my hands. Since alot of my hobbies and activities revolve around the warm seasons, I start getting pretty ancy and a little bored. So, I thought I'd join the blogging if anybody cares about what I have to say. ;-)

Since meteorology is my most passionate hobby next to photography, I have been bored out of my mind this year living here in North Texas. We are in one helluva serious drought. The weather pattern has been very dull and mostly uneventful. Too much "pretty weather". Us stormchasers and weather weenies are a curious bunch as we get depressed from too much pretty weather. LOL! This past week, we had a mini-ice storm which made for some interesting forecasting. It wasn't much precip, but enough to turn the roads around here into skating rinks. But, the whole event was over in 24 hours and pretty much a blink.

Looking ahead, nothing exciting in the extended range either. YAWN!My thoughts are starting to churn about the upcoming spring season heralding in my beloved severe thunderstorms, supercells and tornadoes. My SDS (Supercell Deprivation Syndrome) doesn't start flaring until late January. But, it quickly escalates to the point of being debilitative in February. By March, I'm ready to be shot with a horse tranquilizer. When the first round of warning tones go off on the radio, I perform the "Forbidden Sacred Dance of Chaser Merriment". :-)

Fortunately, I'm pretty certain I'll be attending the national Stormchasing Convention in Denver the second week of February. It is 3 days of intensive SDS therapy and extreme weather weeniness. I've regretted missing it for the past few years as I usually don't have the funds or time available to go (gotta save up for chase vacation you know!). It looks like all of the stars in the universe will align so that I can attend. Now watch a blizzard of the century happen and shut down everything for a week. ;-) There's also the TESSA (Texas Severe Storms Association) convention here in the DFW area at the end of January I believe and it will also help alleviate the SDS a tad. Last year was pretty decent and this year looks even better.

For the first time since I started, I never had the time to put together my 2005 chase video highlights to submit to the NWS Fort Worth for SKYWARN training. In fact, I haven't even looked at ANY of my video from this past season since late June. I've been the busy and preoccupied with trying to stabilize my career after getting several "curve balls" beaning me upside the head. I had planned on putting together my first ever chase DVD capturing everything from 1998 through 2005. I even suck about $2400 into a new Dell computer with 3 gig of memory and video card/HD system (500gb HD @7200rpm) along with some software to do it this year. it will be a pretty daunting task and one where I can't afford to be distracted for weeks at a time with the career drama I'm in right now. I gotta get that situated first. So, maybe a 1998-2006 3-disc DVD for next year? LOL!! I need a secretary.


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